Google Wifi for Your Smart Home…

 Google Wifi for Your Smart Home

Google Wifi is the latest offering from Google to simplify your home wi-fi. Unlike many other wi-fi routers, this one is designed for homes with multiple devices connected all the time, a.k.a. Smart Homes!

Bodine Tech can help procure, set up and/or configure Google Wifi for you. This isn’t the only router I recommend, but it is one of them, partially due to it’s simplicity to use and it’s great “mesh” approach with means simple coverage with little effort.

Here’s a list of my Pros and Cons:


  • Easy Setup
  • Handles many devices
  • Whole-home coverage
  • Simple maintenance via app


  • Limited setup options and features
  • Limited LAN connections for hard wired devices
  • Can only be controlled via Android or iOS apps
  • Requires active internet to manage network

I’ve even reviewed this product on my tech review site, . Take a look:


If want this product installed, or want to know what other choices may be right for you, please, contact Bodine Tech today!


Posted in Blog.